OTL has received a LOI from a major EPCI contractor to start basic design of multiple offshore platforms. OTL is requested to re-configure the previous platform designs to suit for the EPCI contractor’s installation resources to be competitive. OTL will work on the modification of two platforms, each include complete scopes of re-configuration and re-design of the topside and jacket structures, in a progressive manner.
Floating Wind Demonstration Project Involvement
OTL has obtained an order from a confidential client, requesting OTL’s deep involvement in their floating wind demonstration project. The work will be started very soon, and OTL’s personnel will involve and help resolve some fundamental and difficult design issues that the project is now facing. OTL’s involvement will be till the completion of the basic design, covering a wide range of engineering aspects.
Detailed Design Verification for Two Platform Floatover Installation Completed
OTL’s China subsidiary, OffshoreTech China (OTC), has completed the detailed floatover design verification of the EnPing 18-6 and PanYu 19-1 platforms for CNOOC Shenzhen. The final review of the work by OTC has been scheduled and will be conducted in the next a couple of weeks.
Visit to China Ocean University
A delegation headed by Mr. Jim Li, President of OffshoreTech LLC, visited China Ocean University in QingDao of China. OTL delegation has comprehensive and in-depth discussion with COU’s Engineering College headed by Academian Li in multiple areas of potential collaboration.
Middle East Offshore Platform Verification
Like numerous works OTL has previously performed, OTL started a platform verification and optimization for a general contractor bidding on the large size EPCI project for a Middle East development.
More Floating Wind Patent Granted
One more OTL’s floating wind TLP invention patent has been approved. This one, A Tension Leg Offshore Floating Wind Supporting Foundation and its Installation Method, marked the fourth of a total five patent applications submitted for the OTL in-house developed floating wind TLP concept, signaling OTL’s TLP floating wind substructure concept has been recognized and the concept is now protected.