LF15-1 DPP Third Party Independent Verification


Client: CNOOC

Date of Started: 5/1/2019

Location: South China Sea; water depth of 284.2 m

Topside Weight: Max. 17800 MT

SOW: Based on the provided structural drawings, design basis, soil report, and metocean data, OTL performed following analyses:

  • In-place static and dynamic analysis

  • In-place spectra fatigue analysis

  • In-place seismic analysis

  • Jacket loadout analysis

  • Jacket transportation analysis (both marine and structural)

  • Jacket launch analysis (both marine and structural)

  • Jacket flotation. Upending analysis

  • Jacket on-bottom stability analysis, mudmat capacity, and jacket stress check

  • Pile free-standing and pile drivability analysis

  • FE analysis for skirt pile sleeve connection

  • Member stress check under slamming loads (in-place and launch)

  • Member ViV check (both in-service and pre-service conditions)

  • Launch cradle design check and local ring reinforced joints strength check

  • Hydrostatic ring design check