Figure 1: Option 1: Lifting Option
Figure 2: Option 2: Launch Option
Client: Confidential
Date of Started: 10/20/2018
Location: NQL, Mumbai High Field; water depth of 65.5 m
Topside Weight: Maximum payload is 15600 MT
SOW: Based on the provided design basis, soil report, metocean data, and SACS topside models, OTL performed following design and analyses:
Option 1: jacket horizontal lift/upending (Figure 1)
o Strength analysis
o Jacket transportation analysis
o Jacket horizontal lifting analysis
o Jacket flotation / upending analysis
o Jacket on-bottom stability analysis and mudmat design
o Foundation pile design and drivability analysis
o Miscellaneous calculations, such as grouted connection strength check, strength rings design, and cathodic protection design.
Option 2: jacket launch (Figure 2):
o In place strength analysis
o Jacket transportation analysis
o Jacket launch analysis
o Jacket flotation / upending analysis
o Jacket on-bottom stability analysis and mudmat design
o Foundation pile design and drivability analysis
o Miscellaneous calculations, such as grouted connection strength check, strength rings design, launch cradle design, and cathodic protection design